Monday, February 09, 2009

Tax Gap

I'm still enjoying the Guardian's Tax Gap series - and loving the fact that Christian Aid gets a mention in the leader in today's paper on the subject.

Can't help thinking back to a conversation I had with a friend of mine in church many years ago. I had talked to him about how my weeks's work had saved a wealthhy client a small fortune in capital gains tax (perfectly legally ....). He paused, then said "the money you saved could have bought a new scanner at the local hospital".

I carried on in the tax profession for many years, working with integrity as far as possible and doing the best possible job I could as is right and proper. But his words never left my mind - I just allowed myself to talk myself out of it being seen as a moral issue. But it is ......


Blogger Master said...

nice article keep posting!!

Accountants in Basingstoke

6:28 AM  

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