Monday, November 06, 2006

New beginnings

Well, I'm still getting used to the technology here - haven't a clue whether anyone has read the first entry, but will carry on anyway! False assumption Number 1 is still very much the case much to do, so little time! I suppose this is one of the few jobs where my aim really should be to make myself redundant; ie if we and others like us were entirely successful in eradicating poverty around the world then there would be no aid agency jobs left. If only that were a realistic worry to have at this point in time....

Just back from an evening meeting - lots of those as we work with volunteers who give of their time for free but that means it has to be in the evening. Incredible bunch of people who volunteer; I used to be one and envy the staff who got to spend all their time working for the cause. Now I feel privileged to be spending my time in this way ...yet also slightly embarrassed that I attend these meetings as part of my job now, not as a volunteer. Then again there's lots of them ...I'm out every night this week, which is more than when I was working in the profession selling my soul at networking do's for a few extra fees.

New member of staff started today; so good to see how genuinely excited they were to be with us. I still feel like I'm in that honeymoon period, after 8 months plus ....hopefully it will stay that way! I am reminded of people's reactions to me starting. My parents have been supportive parents throughout my business career, and I suppose I was a little apprehensive that they would think leaving the profession behind was a mistake (at the time I made the decision that may well have been the case!). But none of that - they were really positive and clearly respected the decision I had made and basically it was "good for you and we're really proud of you". Many of my ex colleagues had the same reaction, and often said "I would love to do it but couldn't " ...yet if they were brave enough of course they could. Some wrote it off to mid life crisis ("couldn't you have just got the sports car or had the affair?" !), but they were simply wrong .....there was more than negative push away from what I was doing, but also a clear pull towards where I am now. If its mid life crisis well fine - its pretty liberating anyway!


Blogger Linda said...

Oh - this is going to be very difficult but also very humbling and inspiring to read...

Hey - what a sacrifice to drink with me so that you get a cheap train fare - makes me feel very valued - thank you :-)

So sorry I missed your birthday baby (using the term advisedly...!)

Lovely to have you on board


10:14 PM  

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